
Showing posts from 2020


NUR KASIH THE MOVIE - MOVIE ANALYSIS By Asmahani Hussin Movie in genre of religion or specifically Islamic, is a common genre in Malaysia. However, it’s not easy to find a good movie with this genre. There are only a few of movie that received great response from Malaysia movies viewer. Usually auteur in Malaysia prefer to make hybrid genre when it comes to Islamic genre. Genre that will combine with this genre is horror, romantic and sometimes comedy. Islamic movie in Malaysia are Munafik 1, Munafik 2, Nur Kasih The Movie, Gubra, Syurga Cinta, 7 Petala Cinta, and many more. Honestly, Malaysian auteur does come out with lots of Islamic genre but they prefer to make it as a telemovie instead of movie. It is the usual pattern that the auteur of Malaysia done. It also can be seen clearly that the quality of Islamic genre in telemovie is much better that movie. In this analysis, Nur Kasih The Movie are chosen as the movie to be analyze as it is one of the big hit Islamic movie i...

Auteur Criticism

Mamat Khalid In auteur criticism, I’ll choose Mohamad bin Mohamad Khalid or known as Mamat Khalid as example of film’s director that can be consider as an auteur. I’ll choose three movies to identify his style which is Rock (2005), Man Laksa (2006), Zombie Kampung Pisang (2007) and Hantu Kak Limah Balik Rumah (2010) and Rombongan Cik Kiah ke Kelana Jaya.             Mamat’s films is easy to recognize as his movies was in the same style. He usually does comedy genre and will combine it with other genre like horror and musical to be a hybrid genre movie. He has a lot of regulator collaborator as most of his movies using the same actor. His common collaborator that we can see in most of his movie is Sofie Jikan, Awie Wings, Allahyarham Zami Ismail, Delimawati and many more. We can see how hard he promotes Perak in his movies. He likes to use village in Perak as his mise-en-scene in most of his films. By using the dialect of P...

Pi Mai Pi Mai Tang Tu VS Jenaka Kampung Kalut (JKK)

PI MAI PI MAI TANG TU VS JENAKA KAMPUNG KALUT (JKK) Pi Mai Pi Mai Tang Tu and Jenaka Kampung Kalut (JKK) both are sitcom comedy that was aired on TV3. Each of this series has its own specialty even though we could see they are pretty similar. So here we will identify genre approaches between the series since they have the same concept but came from different era. Pi Mai Pi Mai Tang Tu was produced in 1985 until 2004 under Cinematic Sdn Bhd. It has 17 seasons with 1,210 episodes in total. The cast for this series is Imuda, Allahyarham Zami Ismail, Allahyarham Mohammad Abdullah, Wan Maimunah, Sathiya, Angeline Tan, Ahmad Busu and many more. Meanwhile Jenaka Kampung Kalut or known as JKK was produced in 2016 until 2019 under Primeworks Studios. It has 5 seasons with 65 episodes in total. The cast for this series is Ropie Cecupak, Ebby Yus, Jep Sepahtu, Sari Yanti, Issey Fazlisham and many more. Without further ado, let us study about genre approaches between them. We have three t...

Hibana: Spark (Broadcast Critique Task 3)

13 QUESTION FOR HIBANA: SPARK 1.       What are the conventions that make up the genre? This series is about a young Japanese comedian, Tokunaga that going through thick and thin in order to become a successful ‘ manzai’ with his partner, Yamashita. The genre convention for this series is repetitive because we could see most scene in this series are at the same place like Tokunaga’s home, the agency office, the playground and many more. 2.       If the program appears to be a hybrid genre, what are the convention of the genre that have been combined to make it a hybrid? This series is a hybrid genre between drama and documentary with a little bit of comedy but the comedy scene in this series isn’t much compared to others.   This series shows about the reality of a comedian that none of us know. People thought comedian is funny in or out of camera and it’s easy to find substance to make a comedy sketch. Reality...

The Crown (Broadcast Critique Task 2)

The Crown Review. Click the link to read the task. Broadcast Critique Task 2